داستان تاریخی

داستان تاریخی King Henry VIII

داستان تاریخی King Henry VIII

این مقاله درباره داستانی کوتاه از زندگی هنری هشتم در قرن شانزدهم هست که شش ازدواج در طول زندگی خود داشته و مطلب امروز بخش اول؛ تحت عنوان همسر اول هنری  و ملکه ی انگلستان میباشد. او در سال 1509 میلادی بعد از پدرش هنری هفتم به سلطنت رسید. او در سال 1547 درگذشت و بعد از او پسرش ادوارد ششم به سلطنت رسید. همچنین می‌توانید از آموزش‌ رایگان ما در سایت موسسه زبان فرساد استفاده کنید.داستان تاریخی


هنری نخستین پادشاه انگلیسی بود که تحت تأثیر و نفوذ رنسانس تربیت شد. جان اسکلتن شاعر مشهور انگلیسی یکی از مربیان و معلمان وی بود. هنری مردی فاضل و ادیب و زبانشناس و موسیقیدان بود. او به دلیل ۶ بار ازدواج پی در پی اش معروف شده‌است که در دو مورد او همسر خود را اعدام کرد.

به دلیل اینکه پاپ وقت با  ازدواج مجدد هنری موافقت نکرد ؛ هنری در سال ۱۵۳۴ میلادی در پارلمان انگلستان خود را رئیس کل کلیسای این کشور اعلام کرد و پاپ را از این سمت در قلمرو انگلستان خلع کرد و مذهب کشور انگلستان را از کاتولیک به پروتستان تغییر داد.

هدف این مقاله یادگیری کلمات جدید و تقویت مهارت reading میباشد و زیر کلمات جدید نیز خط کشیده شده است.

هنری هشتم و همسر سومش:
تا امروز درمورد دو همسر اول هنری هشتم صحبت شد. و بحث امروز همسر سوم وی است که جین سیمور نام داشت .همان طور که هنری از به دنیا آمدن فرزند دختری دیگر ناامید شد. خیلی ها از اینکه آن ملکه ی انگستان شده بود بسیار خشمگین بودند البته نه به خاطر به اصطلاح دختر زا بودن وی بلکه بخاطر موقعیت هایی که خود از دست داده بودند.
در این حین دختر زیبایی به نام جین سیمور وارد دربار شد و به ندیمگی ملکه در آمد. بخاطر نفوذ فراوان سیمور ها در دربار توطئه های فراوانی بر علیه آن ملکه ی وقت چیده شد. به وی تهمت خیانت زدند و در نهایت در سال ۱۵۳۶ آن بولین را اعدام کردند.
پادشاه با جین سیمور ازدواج کرد و حاصل این ازواج پرنس ادوارد بود. جین سیمور بعد از زایمان به علت خون ریزی زیاد در سال ۱۵۳۷ از دنیا رفت.

قسمت دوم:

پس از ماجرای نازایی کاترین، تمام خانواده‌های معروف انگلستان تلاش کردند تا دخترانشان را به پادشاه معرفی کنند. هنری که مردی زنباره و عیاش بود، با زنان بسیاری ارتباط برقرار کرد و حتی صاحب اولاد پسر نیز شد ولی از آنجا که هیچ‌کدام از این فرزندان حاصل یک ازدواج رسمی و شرعی نبودند، نمی‌توانستند ولیعهد باشند.

یکی از این خاندان‌ها، خاندان بولین بود که تلاش کرد دخترش آن را به پادشاه عرضه کند. اما هنری برخلاف تصور، دلباخته خواهر متأهل آن بولین شده و با پرداخت پول به همسرش، زن جوان را در اختیار گرفت. اما حتی تولد پسر نیز دردی از دربار دوا نکرد. آن بولین بالاخره توانست نظر شاه را جلب کند و باردار شود.

داستان تاریخی King Henry VIII

هنری پس از بارداری آن، به سرعت مراسم عقد را برگزار کرد واو را همسر قانونی خود نامید. صد روز بعد آن بولین دختری به دنیا آورد و او را


نامید. کسی که بعدها با نام الیزابت اول برتخت نشست.

تولد دختر پادشاه را ناامید کرد اما آن بولین همچنان در دربار ماند. او خیلی زود مجدداً باردار شد ولی نوزادش را بر اثر سقط شبانه از دست داد. او که مطمئن بود این بار شاه به او رحم نخواهد کرد

و به سراغ زنان دیگر خواهد رفت، موضوع سقط را مخفی کرده و از برادرش خواست با او نزدیکی کند بلکه آن مجدداً باردار شده و آن را ادامه بارداری قبلی اش قلمداد نماید.

اما درباریان به طور اتفاقی شاهد روابط نامشروع آن بولین با برادرش شدند و خبر را به هنری  رساندند.

البته گمان می رود که موضوع رابطه نامشروع آن با برادرش تهمتی از طرف پادشاه و دشمنان آن بولین برای نابودی او بوده و صحت نداشته باشد. چرا که خاندان بولین با به اوج رسیدن ناگهانی خود پس از ازدواج آن با پادشاه دشمنان زیادی در دربار پیدا کرده بودند.

همچنین هنری هشتم که به زن بازبودن مشهور بود، بهانه ای برای رهایی از ازدواج با آن میخواست تا با معشوقه جدید خود جین سیمور ازدواج کند، پس تهمت های علیه آن را براحتی پذیرفته و دستور گردن زدن او را صادر نمود. آن بولین به سرعت محاکمه شده و به جرم زنای با محارم گردن زده شد.

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داستان تاریخی King Henry VIII.

King Henry VIII (1491-1547) _ part I

King Henry VIII (1491-1547) ruled England for 36 years. He famously married a series of six wives in his search for political alliance, marital bliss and a healthy male heir. His desire to annul his first marriage without papal approval led to the creation of a separate Church of England. Of his marriages, two ended in annulment, two in natural deaths and two with his wives’ beheadings for adultery and treason. His children Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I would each take their turn as England’s monarch

Queen of England:Catherine of Aragon


Catherine and king Henry had a comfortable marriage for years. However, she gave birth to six children—including one surviving daughter, Mary Tudor—Catherine did not produce a male heir for Henry. By 1527, Henry had decided to end his marriage to داستان تاریخیCatherine so that he could wed a new wife.

Henry asked the Catholic Church to invalidate his marriage because Catherine had been married to his brother. However, Catherine refused to go along with Henry’s plan, swearing that her marriage to Arthur had remained unconsummated..

Tired of waiting, Henry decided that he did not require the pope’s approval. In 1533, Henry—who had already secretly married Anne Boleyn—had Thomas Cranmer annul his marriage to Catherine. Parliament then declared that the king, not the pope, was

head of the Church of England.

Jane Seymour was the third wife of King Henry VIII. She was a lady in waiting to the King’s second wife, Anne Boleyn, when she caught the King’s eye. Unlike Anne, who was vivacious and outspoken, Jane was quiet and retiring. She strove to please the King in all things and was encouraged to secure his affection by her ambitious family.

By the spring of 1536, Henry wanted rid of Anne, who had failed to give him a son, and was resolved to marry Jane. Anne was falsely accused of adultery, imprisoned in the Tower of London, and executed. A few days later, Henry married Jane.

Within a year, Jane was pregnant, and to every one’s delight, the baby born on the 12th of October 1537 was a boy. The King wept with joy when he first held his much longed for son and the country celebrated. The baby prince was named Edward and داستان تاریخی King Henry VIII.he was christened with much pomp and ceremony three days later.

The King’s joy was short lived, however, as Jane became feverish a few days after Edward’s birth and died on the 23 October. Henry was devastated and mourned Jane for months.

In fact,

although he married a further three times, it was Jane he considered the love of his life. She had given him the one thing that no other wife ever had, a living son, and for this he cherished her memory. It was with Jane that he was buried, in Windsor Castle, when he himself died a decade later.

Edward was only nine years of age when he became King Henry at his father’s death, so Jane’s brother, Edward Seymour, was appointed Lord Protector of England. This meant he would rule in Edward’s name until he was old enough to rule himself.

But Edward Seymour had an ambitious younger brother, Thomas, who wanted to takeover as Lord Protector. He plotted and schemed behind his brother’s back and even tried to abduct King Edward! Thomas did not succeed, however, and was arrested for treason. Not long after he was beheaded.

Edward Seymour did not survive his brother’s disgrace and was replaced as Lord Protector by John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland.

Queen of England

Following a six-year debate, during which time king Henry and Anne had courted discreetly, Anne discovered that she was pregnant in early 1533. Without the blessing of the pope, on January 25, 1533, king Henry and Anne quickly married in a secret ceremony . The following June, a lavish coronation ceremony was held in honor of the new queen.

On September 7, 1533, Queen Anne gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth I, who would be Henry VIII’s only child with Anne Boleyn to survive infancy. In 1534, Archbishop Cranmer decreed Henry’s marriage to Catherine Aragon invalid because she was the king’s sister-in-law. Henry subsequently broke England away from Rome by setting up the Church of England. Catherine would pass away two years later,

in 1536

While Queen Anne’s public persona was that of sexually promiscuous status seeker—due in no small part to the public’s long-held allegiance to Catherine of Aragon—her efforts to play the traditional role of queen during her reign were both valid and sincere, focusing on improvements for the poor. England would never warm up to Queen Anne, however. She would remain disliked, by and large, for the rest of her short life

But if Anne was less than prepared for her new role as queen, she was extremely unprepared for her new role as the king’s wife. A year into their union, Henry VIII pursued and engaged in sexual relationships with two of Anne’s maids-of-honor, Madge Shelton and Jane Seymour.

Unlike Queen Catherine before her, who knew of her husband’s infidelity but was able to turn the other cheek, Anne was enraged by Henry’s promiscuity and became increasingly jealous. As he had with Catherine, Henry blamed his adulterous behavior on his mission to have a son and heir to the throne, and became increasingly frustrated by his wife’s questions abouthis whereabouts and subsequent reactions. the marriage quickly fell apart.

داستان تاریخی King Henry VIII

Execution and Legacy


After Anne gave birth to a stillborn male child in January 1536, Henry VIII decided that it was time to take hold of his legacy. He quickly settled on taking Jane Seymour as his future wife and sought out the annulment of his marriage to Anne. He then had Anne detained at the Tower of London on several false charges, among them adultery, incest and conspiracy.
Anne Boleyn went to trial on May 15, 1536. In court, she remained levelheaded and articulate, calmly and clearly denying all of the charges against her.

Four days later, on May 19, 1536, Anne was unanimously convicted by a court of peers, and Henry’s marriage to Anne was annulled and declared invalid. That same day, Anne was taken to the Tower Green in London, England, for her execution.

There, on the scaffolds, she delivered a speech: “I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak anything of that, whereof I am accused and condemned to die, but I pray God save the king and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never:

and to me he was ever a good, a gentle and sovereign lord,” she said, adding, “I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me. O Lord have mercy on me, to God I commend my soul.”
Her head and body was buried in an unmarked grave. Within 24 hours of Anne’s execution, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour were formally wed. The daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I, would later emerge as one of England’s most revered queens.

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