Family Collocation
خانواده عضو جدا نشدنی از زندگی ما است. بعضی افراد با پدر و مادر واقعی خود و بعضی با والدینی که آنها را به سرپرستی پذیرفتند زندگی میکنند. افرادی هم با پدربزرگ و مادربزرگ و یا با خواهر و برادر خود زندگی میکنند. در نهایت همهی اینها یک خانواده را تشکیل میدهند. در این مقاله ما Family Collocation را با هم یاد میگیریم. collocationهایی در رابطه با روابط خانوادهها و … . در انتها لطفا به فایل صوتی قرار داده شده گوش دهید. برای دریافت کتاب collocation in use نیز اینجا کیک کنید.
Family relationship
در این بخش از مقاله Family Collocation چند collocation برای روابط خانواده را بیان میکنیم.
Sociologists talk about nuclear and extended families. A nuclear family is just parents and children. An extended family is a wider network including grandparents, cousins, etc.
Close relatives are those like parents, children, brothers or sisters. Distant relatives are people like second cousins [the children of a cousin of your mother or father] or distant cousins.
Close/immediate family refers to people who are your nearest blood relatives: I don’t have much close/immediate family.
She’s a distant cousin of mine; she’s not a blood relative.
Close can also be used to mean that the relationship is a very strong one:
We are a very close family, or We are a very close-knit family.
These adjectives also collocate with family:
loving, respectable, dysfunctional [unhappy, not working in a healthy way]
Simon came from a respectable family, so Mary’s parents felt happy about the marriage. Someone’s late husband/wife is one who has died.
An estranged [formal] husband/wife is one who lives in a different place and has a difficult relationship with their husband/wife. They may be having a trial separation and may eventually decide to get a divorce. In some cases it can be a bitter/acrimonious divorce, [full of anger, arguments and bad feeling]
A person’s ex-husband/ex-wife is a man/woman that she/he used to be married to.
Children whose parents have separated or divorced are said to come from a broken home. If their family is a strong, loving one it can be called a stable home. If it is a poor one, not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food or good living conditions, it can be called a deprived home.
A confirmed bachelor is a man who seems to have no intention of ever marrying.
nuclear family: خنواده معمولی (والدین همراه با فرزندان)
extended family: خانواده گسترده (والدین همراه با فرزندان و پدربزرگ و مادربزرگ)
close relatives: فامیل درجه یک و نزدیک
distant relatives: فامیل و اقوام دور
second cousins: فرزند پسر عمو
distant cousins:پسر عموی دوم، سوم به بعد
close/immediate family:نزدیکترین اعضای خانواده
blood relatives: فامیل خونی
close-knit family: خانواده صمیمی
loving family:
respectable family: خانواده قابل احترام
dysfunctional family: خانواده از هم گسیخته
late husband/wife: زن یا شوهر که به تازگی فوت شده
estranged husband/wife:زن و مردی که از هم جدا شدند
trial separation:جدا بودن بدون طلاق گرفتن
get a divorce:طلاق گرفتن
bitter/acrimonious divorce:طلاق تلخ و بد
ex-husband/ex-wife: زن یا شوهر سابق
broken home: خانوادهای که در آن پدر و مادر از هم جدا شدهاند
stable home: خانواده با ثبات
deprived home:خانواده محروم
confirmed bachelor: مردی که برای مدت طولانی مجرد مانده
تمرین 1
با Family Collocation های بالا جای خالی را پر کنید.
I grew up in an (1) …………….. family as my grandparents and a couple of aunts and an uncle, who was a (2) …………….. bachelor, lived with us. We saw a lot of our (3) ………………. relatives as well as our close ones. 1 think that families tended to be much more (4) ……………… then – we talked to each other more and did things together more. I’m sure there are far more (5)…………… families now than there used to be – you know, where parents hardly spend any time with their children, or with each other – and a lot of parents who are divorced. My (6) ………………….. wife, who died two years ago, used to say that it is not fair on children to let them grow up in (7) …………………… homes.
Parents and children
در این بخش در قالب چند مثال Family Collocation هایی درمورد ارتباط بین فرزندان و خانواده یاد خواهیم گرفت. حتما فایل صوتی انتهی مقاله را گوش دهید تا تلفظ دقیق و collocationها را بهتر یاد بگیرید.
1- They are hoping to start a family soon.
2- I’d like to have three children.
3- Soraya is expecting a baby.
4- Jill had her baby yesterday.
5- The baby is due next week.
6- It’s hard being a single parent.
7- Helen had to bring up four young children on her own.
8- The father applied for custody of the children, but the judge gave/granted custody to the mother.
9- Nick works very long hours to provide for his family.
10- We live with my mum now, but we’ll set up home on our own soon.
start a family: تشکیل خانواده
have children: فرزند داشتن
expecting a baby: باردار بودن
had her baby: بچه دار شدن
baby is due: نزدیک بدنیا آمدن بچه است
single parent:
bring up children: بزرگ کردن فرزندان
applied for custody of: تقاضای حضانت کردن
gave/granted custody: حضانت گرفتن
provide for his family: مهیا کردن نیاز خانواده
set up home: شروع زندگی در یک مکان مثل آپارتمان
تمرین 2
برای یادگیری بهتر Family Collocation این تمرین را انجام دهید.
دو بخش هر collocation را به هم وصل کنید.
1- apply for cousin
2- get separation
3- estranged custody
4- nuclear home
5- provide for wife
6- distant family
7- set up your family
8- trial a divorce
فایل صوتی Family Collocation
در این مقاله به بررسی Family Collocation پرداختیم. انواع خانواده و روابط خانواده را گفتیم. با یادگیری این collocation ها میتوانید خیلی بهتر خانواده و روابط خانواده خود را توصیف کنید. در ادامه مقالات همراه ما باشید.