Business Collocation

Business Collocation (تجارت)

Business Collocation

بعضی افراد ممکن است در زندگی خود یک تجارت را برای خود دست و پا کنند و یا در یک تجارت وارد شوند. برای مثال یک مغازه لباس فروشی و یا الکترونیکی باز می‌کنند. برای صحبت درباره‌ی هر نوع تجارتی بهترین راه استفاده از Business Collocation است. واژگان انگلیسی که در این مقاله یاد خواهید گرفت در کار و تجارت شما بسیار لازم هستند. در انتهای مقاله یک فایل صوتی مربوط به تجارت آپلود شده است که حتما به آن گوش دهید.

Going into business

در مکالمه زیر واژگان انگلیسی مربوط به تجارت و Business Collocation را با هم یاد می‌گیریم.

Interviewer: When did you first go into business?

Harris: I set up a small business selling office supplies in 1989, filing systems, office equipment, that sort of thing. In 1991 I went into partnership with my old friend, James Britten. We made a loss for the first two years, but then things got better and we’ve made a profit most years ever since. But there have been bad times too.

Interviewer: In what way?

Harris: Well, during the economic recession of the early 1990s, a lot of small businesses were going under, and I thought our business would fold, but we survived. All around us, small firms were going bankrupt. But in 1994 we won a contract, despite stiff competition, to supply the local government offices, and that was an important moment for us. We took on staff and expanded. And we were proud that we had created jobs for local people at a time when unemployment was high. Our sales figures improved steadily, and soon we had an annual turnover of more than ten million pounds.

Interviewer: So what’s the secret of your success?

Harris: Well we’re quite cautious. For instance, we always carry out market research before launching a new product. But also, we set a high value on customer service, especially after-sales service. But at the end of the day, running a successful business is a combination of hard work, luck and intuition.

Interviewer: Finally, there are rumors that you may float the company on the stock market.

Harris: At the moment we have no intention of going public, and people shouldn’t believe everything they read in the newspapers!

go into business: شروع یا ورود به یک تجارت

set up a business: شروع یک کسب و کار

went into partnership: شریک شدنتجارت

made a loss: ضرر کردن

made a profit: سود کردن

businesses were going under: بسته شدن کسب و کار به علت مشکلات مالی

business would fold:  محدود شدن یک تجارت

going bankrupt: ورشکسته شدن

won a contract: توافق قرارداد/ بردن قرارداد

stiff competition: رقابت سخت

took on staff: استخدام کارمند

created jobs: ایجاد مشاغل

sales figures: آمار فروش

annual turnover: گردش مالی سالانه

secret of your success: راز موفقیت شما

launching a product: معرفی یک محصول به بازار

set a high value on: اهمیت دادن به چیزی/ارزش قائل شدن برای چیزی

customer service: خدمات مشتری

after-sales service: خدمات پس از فروش

running a successful business: شروع یک تجارت موفق

going public: عمومی شدن

More business collocations

در متن زیر Business Collocation بیشتری را یاد خواهیم گرفت و واژگان انگلیسی خود را تقویت می‌کنیم. مطمئن شوید که فایل صوتی آخر مقاله را بصورت کامل گوش کنید.

Owing to the economic crisis, many small firms ceased trading. There is cut-throat competition in the music industry these days, [very severe competition] Market forces have caused many factories to close as businesses move overseas, [forces not influenced by government that decide price levels in an economy]

Our local dressmaker has gone out of business. People buy ready-made clothes these days. Her clothes boutique is doing brisk business since the shopping center was renovated. Business is booming for Internet-based travel companies as more people book travel online.

She resigned and went to work for a rival company. I struck/did a deal with the car salesman and got a 15% discount for cash. It’s quite difficult sometimes to balance the budget because of increased costs. Our company have put in a bid for the new leisure center contract. |offered to do the work for a particular amount of money]

ceased trading: توقف کسب و کار

cut-throat competition: رقابت خیلی سخت و گلوگیر

Market forces: نیروی بازارواژگان انگلیسی

gone out of business: خارج شدن از تجارت

brisk business: موفقیت خیلی سریع (همه محصولات به سرعت فروش می‌روند)

Business is booming: تجارت به خوبی انجام می‌شود و پول زیادی بدست می‌آید

rival company: شرکت رقیب

struck/did a deal: انجام معامله

balance the budget: بودجه در تعادل

put in a bid: پیشنهاد دادن

توجه:Remember, the collocation is do business, NOT make business: We’re doing a lot of

in Asia these days.


در تمرین زیر Business Collocation مناسب را انتخاب کنید.

1 Our company sets a high value / price / cost on after-sales service.

2 Competition to earn / win / achieve the contract was strong / stiff / hard.

3 You need a wide range of skills in order to work / run / go a successful business.

4 How long have you been doing / making / getting with China for?

5 The annual takeover / overtake / turnover / overturn of our company is growing rapidly.

6 It’s my job to weigh / balance / add the budget.

7 We’ve put in a very competitive offer / bid / deal so I hope we’ll get the job.

8 We’ve been doing rapid / stiff / brisk all morning.

فایل صوتی Business Collocation

do market research: بازاریابی کردن

operate at a loss: ضرر کردن

break even: نه سود و نه زیان

tough competition: رقابت سخت

gain market share: بدست آوردن سهم بازار

sign a contract: امضای قرارداد

take their business elsewhere: رفتن به جایی دیگر برای تجارت وکسب و کار

arrival company: شرکت تازه تاسیس

the business might take off: ناگهان شروع به رشد و سود کردن


در این مقاله ما Business Collocation ها را با هم بررسی کردیم و فهمیدیم که چطور درباره کسب و کار و تجارت صحبت کنیم. همینطور واژگان انگلیسی بیشتری نیز یادگرفتید. با دیگر مقالات مربوط به collocation ها با ما همراه باشید.

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