Character and Behavior Collocation

Character and Behavior Collocation

 Character and Behavior Collocation

هر فرد در این دنیا شخصیت و رفتار‌های مخصوص خودش را دارد. بعضی پرخاشگر، مغرور و … هستند. بعضی دیگر مهربان، دلسوز و … . ممکن است در بعضی از رفتار‌ها افراد مثل هم عمل کنند اما نه همیشه. ممکن است در یک قرار یا یک مصاحبه از شما خواسته شود که رفتار‌ها و شخصیت خود را توصیف کنید. برای این کار بهترین روش استفاده از Character and Behavior Collocation است. البته برای بیان احساسات نیز بعضی اصطلاحات هستند که می‌توانید اینجا ببینید. در انتها لطفا به فایل صوتی با دقت گوش دهید.

Your month of birth and your character

خیلی از مزدم به این باورند که متولدین هر ماه رفتار‌های مشترکی دارند. در زیر Character and Behavior Collocation که برای هر ماه گفته شده را می‌بینیم.

January: You are good company but you may have a selfish streak.

February: You have an outgoing personality and a good sense of humor.

March: You have a vivid imagination, but  you tend to lose your temper too easily.

April: You are highly intelligent with a razor-sharp mind.

May: You set high standards for yourself and are fiercely loyal to your friends.

June: The best aspect of your personality is the way you always put others first.

July: Although you can be painfully shy in social situations, at work you give the impression of being supremely confident.

August: You have a tendency to make snap decisions.

September: You have a strong sense of responsibility and always keep your word.

October: You are good at keeping secrets and never bear a grudge.

November: You find it hard to keep your temper if you think someone is making a fool out of you.

December: You can be brutally honest and sometimes hurt others’ feelings.

good company: همراه خوب

selfish streak: رگه هایی از خودخواهی (کمی خود خواه هستید)

an outgoing personality: شخصیت برون گرا

good sense of humor: حس شوخ طبعی خوب

have a vivid imagination: تجسم واضح داشتن

lose your temper: از کوره در رفتن

highly intelligent: بسیار باهوش

razor-sharp mind: تیز هوش (کسی که سریع و واضح فکر می‌کند)

set high standards: انجام کارها بهتر از دیگران

fiercely loyal: بسیار وفادار

aspect of your personality: جنبه‌های شخصیتی شما

put others first: دیگران را در اولویت قرار دادن (از خود گذشتگی)

painfully shy: به شدت خجالتی

give the impression : مشورت دادن

supremely confident: اعتماد بنفس خیلی زیاد

have a tendency: تمایل داشتن

snap decisions: تصمیمات لحظه‌ای

sense of responsibility: احساس مسئولیت

keep  your word: به قول عمل کردن

keeping secrets: راز نگهدار

bear a grudge: کینه به دوش کشیدن

keep your temper: به اعصاب خود مسلط بودن

making a fool out of you: مسخره کردن شما

brutally honest: بشدت راستگو (گفتن همه چیز به دقت بدون توجه به ناخوشایند بودن موضوع)

hurt others’ feelings: احساس دیگران را جریحه دار کردن

Behavior Collocation

در این بخش چند Character and Behavior Collocation را در قالب چند مثال یا‌دمیگیریم. در آخر فایل صوتی که گذاشته شده را گوش دهید تا collocation های بیشتری را یاد بگیرید.

1- The children played a joke on the teacher by hiding under their desks before she came into the room.شخصیت

2- Fortunately, the teacher could take a joke and didn’t punish them.

3- Jane swallowed her pride and admitted that she was wrong.

4- The child threw a tantrum when I wouldn’t buy him any sweets.

5- Finally I lost my patience and shouted at her.

6- Nick has found it hard to come to terms with his illness.

7- Jack’s failure to support her has certainly revealed his true character.

played a joke on: با کسی شوخی کردن

take a joke: خندیدن به شوخی دیگران

swallowed her pride: کنار گذاشتن غرور

threw a tantrum: عصبانی شدن مثل یک کودک

I lost my patience: بی حوصله شدن

come to terms with: کنار آمدن با یکدیگر

revealed his true character: نشان دادن شخصیت واقعی


با یادگیری Character and Behavior Collocation حالا وقت آن است تا یک تمرین برای یادگیری بهتر این collocationها انجام دهیم.

کلمه جا افتاده را جای گذاری کنید.

1- I know that I …………. a tendency to ………………. a grudge, but I just can’t forget something bad a friend did to me recently. She has a selfish s …………. and doesn’t care sometimes how much she  …………. my feelings. I am finding it increasingly  hard to k  ………. my temper with her. But perhaps it might be better to I ………….  my temper and let her know how I really feel?

2- I have always tried to ………….. others first and not to think of myself. I believe you should not lose your p …………. with your friends, but if someone seems to enjoy…………… a fool out of you in front of other people, do those rules of friendship still apply?

3- I’m a little shy, though not p ……………. shy, but sometimes I think I …………… the impression that I’m unfriendly. How can I convince people that I’m good c ……….. and worth getting to know?

4- Should I talk about personal matters to my closest colleague at work? She is not very good at ……………..  secrets and she has a very v……………  imagination. She always promises not to tell other people, but I’m not sure she always …………… her word.

5- My boyfriend has a really friendly, o ……………… personality and a great ………….. of humor. He’s intelligent and has a …………… -sharp mind. The perfect man. We’ve been together now for a year, and I like him a lot, but don’t love him any more. Should I be b…………. honest with him and tell him?

6- I think a friend is destroying himself with drugs. I feel a …………. of responsibility towards him. He has always been f …………… loyal to me in good and bad times, which is a wonderful a …………….. of his personality. I feel I ought to contact the police or social services, but I don’t want to make a s ……………. decision which I’ll regret later.

فایل صوتی Character and Behavior Collocation

show her true colors: نشان دادن شخصیت اصلی

low self-esteem: عزت نفس کم

come out of my shell: مشتاق شدن به انجام کار گروهی

have a thicker skin: به سختی عصبانی شدن و زیر تحمیل دیگران رفتن

speak their minds: نظر دادن

have a superiority complex: داشتن نگرش برتر نسبت به دیگران


در این مقاله Character and Behavior Collocation را بررسی کردیم و گفتیم که برای بیان شخصیت و رفتار شما از چه collocation هایی باید استفاده کرد. در مقالات بعدی حتما collocation های بیشتری را با هم خواهیم آموخت.

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