what is transcription listening

What is Transcription?

What is Transcription?

We’re going to take a look at transcription. What is it exactly and why is doing transcription important and effective in listening skills?

If you have just started learning English or have consulted with professors to do so, you may have heard the term transcription.

One of the main skills in English is listening. There are ways to learn and apply a skill. Of the effective methods for improving and mastering listening skills, especially for the IELTS test, transcription technique is the most popular one.

But there are two questions:

A: What is transcription and how should it be done?

B: Why should the transcription be done and what is it for?

Transcription What is transcription?

According to most professors and even language learners who have experienced this method, one of the best ways to enhance listening is to convert audio files into text.

Yes, that’s right. transcribing an audio file into text is transcription. You have to listen to a lot of recordings when you learn a language. One of the things you can do to improve your listening skills and, of course, your writing skills is to transcribe those recordings.

Have you ever noticed the speed of reporters’ typing? As the speaker speaks, they type and write the speech. This technique is also very effective for you in learning English, particularly listening.

How is transcription done?

Here are some tips to help you do that. Of course, these are the steps for training. Once you have learned this technique, you will create your own special way.

1- Start with short files

You are still on the first part of this path. You are not going to be able to easily transcribe long files. So, choose short files and start doing your task.

2- Do the transcription in three steps

For the first step, just try to listen to a recording of an English language and get yourself acquainted with the words. In the second step, in addition to listening to the recording, write the main ideas on the paper, trying to choose the main words introducing the main topic.

In the third step, you have to write the whole recording. As you have just started, you can slow down the pace of player or pause it to jot each sentence down.

3- Evaluate yourself

Pay attention to what you have written after finishing your job. Did you spell the words correctly? Didn’t you mistake similar words for each other? How fast were you?

This requires a lot of practice. Be patient. Over time, you will find that both your speed and accuracy increase. By doing this, you can hope for a high score of 7 in the IELTS test.

Transcription What are the advantages of transcription?

One of your questions is, what’s the point? Why should this be done?

Here are some reasons:

1- It increases your accuracy in understanding details.

2- By continuing to do this, you will be able to hear words close and interconnected.

3- After a while of practice, you will see how much your note-taking and writing speeds have increased.

4- You will also be able to recognize and identify the words with the same pronunciation. Take, for example, the two words ‘pail and pale’. They are very close in pronunciation, but each has a specific meaning. After practicing for a while, you will be able to correctly identify such words and use the appropriate word.

5- Eventually, your listening skill will be enhanced and shows itself in the IELTS test.

The abstract of the article:

In this article, we talked about transcription and explained it in detail.

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