Signs and symptoms of an informal letters
Today we are going to look at the signs and symptoms of informal letters.
The main differences between formal and informal letters were prepared in a post with the same title.
In this article, we want to take a closer look at some of the cases that show that this is an informal letter.
The main signs and symptoms of informal letters
Sender’s address
The method of writing an address in a personal and unofficial letter is not mandatory, particularly in case the recipient might need to have your details, and is usually written on the top right corner of the sheet.
Don’t forget to include the name of the country where you live in the letter.
So if you see a letter that is not subject to formal structures in the address book style, know that the letter is unofficial.
Street Name and House / Apartment Number: 88 Downing Street
Postal Code and City: 75577 AS Amsterdam
Country: The Netherlands
Receiver’s address
The difference between writing recipient’s address and sender’s address is that recipient’s address is usually written on the envelope, but right below the sender’s, the recipient’s address can also be entered below.
This is a common rule in writing that usually does not apply to personal letters.
Name, Surname: John White
Street Name and Home / Apartment Number: 55 Madison Road
Postal Code, City: NP 149 Oxford
State or province: Oxford Shire
Country: United Kingdom
History is usually written under sender’s address. You can write history with a space line. Usually day, month and year are written. Sometimes just writing a day and a month is enough.
American Letter: November 22, 2011
Informal text and letter content
This is not so important in informal letters; however, there are a few things to keep in mind when writing an unofficial letter.

A. How to address in the letter?
How you address your audience depends on how close you are to them.
Maybe you can write:
Hi Richard
But the surest way to write an audience’s name is as follows:
Dear Richard
This form of address is one of obvious signs that it is informal.
B. The initial text in the letter
Unlike formal letters, which are dry and stylized, an unofficial letter can take many forms.
The followings are examples that could be at the beginning of a text:
- How are you?
- How have you been?
- How is life treating you?
- How are the kids?
- I hope you are doing well
- I hope you, Mike, and the kids are having a great time in
C. The main content of the letter
The text of an unofficial letter is written in a friendly and familiar tone.
Our advice is to write in personal letters as you would normally talk to your audience in real life.
The number of words and the volume of content in a personal letter is not limited, unlike official letters, which is the principle of summarizing.
So if at first glance you see that the text of the letter is long and the structure of the sentences is not regular, know that the letter is informal.
D. The end of a letter
The following examples are commonly used in personal letters.
- I am looking forward to seeing you.
- I can’t wait to see you soon.
- I can’t wait to hear from you.
- I am looking forward to hearing from you, I hope to be hearing from you soon.
In fact, the dissertation is like saying goodbye in a real and friendly atmosphere.
E. A Signature
It is common to bring signatures in letters, but you can have a taste. In this section, you have a high degree of freedom of action.
The examples of suggested signatures:
- Best wishes,
- Best,
- Kindly,
- Kind regards,
- Best regards,
- Lots of love,
- Love
The abstract of Article:
In this article, we talked about the signs and symptoms of informal letters and the important points to write an informal letter. For further studies, click here.