روشهای تقویت حافظه یادگیری زبان انگلیسی Memory Boosting Techniques for Learning English

Memory Boosting Techniques for Learning English

Memory Boosting Techniques for Learning English

We have always asked ourselves whether there are any techniques for boosting memory, specially for learning English. Remembering some of English words is of the English language learners concerns. Everything you learn in English can be easily forgotten. Considering the volatility of English vocabulary we think it necessary to introduce you some memory boosting techniques for learning English.

Increase your information about words

One way to boost memory for learning English is to increase your information about that word. For example, you can learn sentences and phrases about that word. As a result, when you encounter the word again, you remember the word immediately.

Make a significant relation between words and pictures

Another way is to make a meaningful relation between English words and pictures. This will help you associate the image you want as soon as you see or hear the word. This way you will have no problem memorizing the words.

Play English Games

The next solution is that you can use attractive English games to learn vocabulary and idioms. English games make words last longer in your long-term memory. The more you make use of your memory, the stronger your memory becomes both in processing words and, thus, in learning English.

Create an English learning environment

Another way to increase memory for learning English is to create an English learning environment for yourself. Fill your environment with English magazines and books. Include English movies and cartoons in your program. Generally create a space that is reminiscent of a word or phrase from English language.

Learn vocabulary in text format

The next thing to learn and remember is to put the words in the text and make sentences with them.This will help you to remember the meaning of the word more easily. Do not forget the fact that you have to develop a habit of learning English regularly.

Use flash cards and apps

Using apps or flashcards is another way suggested you for boosting your memory. Using these tools are among the things you can do to improve your memory for vocabulary learning. As it was explained in an associated article, note that writing phrases and collocations are far more helpful that writing some single words.

Examine the words from different perspectives

The next thing to consider is to examine words from different perspectives. Repeat that word aloud. Be careful to pronounce it correctly. No matter which pronunciation, English or American, you chose, but listen and imitate the speaker. This is also a good way to boost memory for vocabulary learning.

Join an English speaking partner

Another factor is having an English speaking partner, so you can speak with him/her and use his or her verbal knowledge. while you speak English, you cannot help learning English!

Use English podcasts and videos while learning

Finally, the other tools for boosting your memory to learn English are podcasts, films and cartoons, which are useful resources for learning and memorizing words. With the above-mentioned learning tools, you can certainly increase your vocabulary and enjoy language learning.

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