Ten ways to increase English vocabulary
Do you know that with the advent of technology, we have ten ways to increase your English vocabulary that will effectively help you improve your vocabulary? Or do you know how effective an increase in English vocabulary can be in learning English? It is recommended to read “Learn phrases instead of English words” as learning phrases is far more effective than learning single words.
English is a universal language. With the increase in competition in the communication era, the need to learn this language is felt. The more vocabulary you have, the more likely you are to succeed and succeed in business. It will also be easier for you to communicate with others. What ways can help us increase our English vocabulary knowledge? In this article we tried to give you some subtle tips to increase this skill, which we will discuss in the following.
Ten ways to expand English vocabulary
Older methods:
One of the ways to increase English vocabulary bank is to use vocabulary. Using a dictionary will give you a precious understanding of the word.
1. Reading English stories, whether in software or in books, can increase your lexical knowledge.
2. Write new vocabulary and its various forms (current, noun, adjective) along with the related sentence to refer to it if necessary.
3. Learn a synonym for each vocabulary to use alternative words if you forget.
4. In learning vocabulary you can find a personal and conceptual connection for each word. This will make the vocabulary better understood by the target audience.
5. Learning the words in the text format helps you memorize the words. Never list words in a single or indexed way as this will not work.
Newer methods:
6. Learn vocabulary in terms of phrases and associated words. As long as you can read Collocation. Collocation in use is one of the best sources of vocabulary extensions.
7. Learn vocabulary in word games such as word to word. This game helps you to find the relationship between words such as synonyms or antonyms and so on.
8. Seeing videos in English also enhances your words, pronunciation and listening skills.
9. There are various story software as well as vocabulary, such as story software and “A Word A Day” that you can install on your phone.
10. Help build up your knowledge by creating an English vocabulary office. Through this way you can learn at least five to seven words daily so you need to practice vocabulary aloud and make a sentence or story with them.
The above points will help you a lot in your vocabulary learning. To get to know about more ways, see this page.
What was said in the article:
1- Ten ways to increase English vocabulary knowledge
2- Older methods of
3- Newer methods
For further studies:
1- Learning English Vocabulary
2- What is the importance of learning English vocabulary pronunciation?