چطور فارسی فکر نکنیم؟! not to think in Farsi

How not to think in Farsi ?

How not to think in Farsi ?

You might have heard this phrase from language teachers: Do not get to think in Farsi. What this means is that thinking in Farsi and translating it into a new language is a big educational mistake. But the real question is, “So what should we do?”

The process of learning in the human brain is very complex, but you have to know that learning in the brain is about connecting concepts. However, this process partially depends on the approach adopted in your class. Read the article “The creative methods of teaching the English language“. When you learn a new word in English, it can be stored in your brain differently depending on your learning. Any way you enter data into your brain you will get output. Simply put, when we use Farsi during the learning process, how can we not to get to think in Farsi when producing English sentences?! We recommend reading the article “Learning Phrases Instead of English Vocabulary”. You may not notice the difference at first glance, but you will feel the difference when you use the word. Now let’s look at two different modes of learning:

Indirect learning mode

Indirect Mode:

This is a state of learning that you are probably already familiar with and are using. In this case you will learn the new word “apple” as an equivalent to the previous one. That is, when you learn the word you will learn it as the English equivalent of the word apple. This method has one major advantage and two disadvantages.


Its advantage is that it is fast. As this way has been used for ages in  your early education, as an example high school, most of use are get used to it.Thus, it’s fairly easy for your body to accept it and for your mind to use it. Yet, be careful. You must always ask yourself how useful it can be if, instead of not using, think in Farsi or any other native language to learn English.

This way you will be able to learn many words very quickly and without worry. Most people who try to learn language in high speed use this method. Very simple. We put words into our memory and try to make sentences when we speak or write in English. Of course there are two major drawbacks to this method is that you can’t really learn the language in this way and it only creates the illusion of learning the language in your mind.


The first flaw is in different meanings of words in different languages. The word desk in English is translated “میز” that is also used for the word “table” in Farsi. While learning words, there is a great deal of difficulty with the different meanings of a word for people who have learned it indirectly. Sometimes words have no exact equivalent in the new language and you will have to find some equivalent. یادگیری زبان انگلیسی

The second and main problem is the speed of thinking and how to make sentences in this way. When you equate words with Farsi words, every time you want to make a sentence in a new language, you first, instead of not using your native tongue, have to think in Farsi and make it in Farsi and then translate it into a new language. As well as serious grammar problems and unusual equations, this will greatly reduce your speed of thinking and speaking.

Note that if you learn the language in this way, it will be very time-consuming to correct it.

Direct learning mode

Direct Method:

It means directly connecting the new word to its meaning in the brain. This time around, you don’t have an equation to learn the word. To read this word, read it and think about the concept of apple. In your mind you bear fruit and you attribute this word to it. There is no need to Persianize as soon as you hear, the word image closes in your mind.

In this way, the word is directly linked to the concept of apple fruit and your brain will be able to access it more quickly. The main problem with this method, however, is to slow down the learning process. You might find it hard at first, but after a while making your brain not think in Farsi you get used to it. The direct connection of words to time concepts is more complex, but ultimately helps you to speak a new language like a native speaker so it’s worth trying.

The abstract of this paper:

In this article you learned how not to think in Farsi ?! And you got to know both the direct and indirect ways. You can also refer to the page Do You Think in English? Here’s Why You Should, Plus 6 Steps That Show Exactly How to Start for further reading.

For further studies:

1- Four English tips that teachers haven’t told you !!!

2- What is the importance of learning English vocabulary pronunciation?

3- Why should entrepreneurs learn English?

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