برنامه تقویت زبان انگلیسی با فیلم Program for learning English with Films

Program for learning English with Films

Program for learning English with Films

In this article, we want to share our suggested program for learning English with films. Watching movies and TV series is one of the best ways of learning the language, and it can be said that it is much better than reading educational books. Most of the English textbooks that are commonly used for teaching in schools (except stories and novels) are not common English being used in an English-speaking community so if you rely solely on these textbooks, they will not help you learn much.

But through movies, you can learn the accents, dialects, phrases, and words that are common among English-speaking people. With a good movie and an attractive program, you can strengthen your English. The important point is that if this method is not implemented properly with the right program, it will not help your language much. So please read this article carefully and patiently. In this article, you can read our suggested program for learning with films and use it to increase your English learning efficiency, particularly your speaking skills. You can also change some of the details of the program and adjust it according to your daily schedule.

First, we review the common but wrong method of learning and then we take its correct and useful program into account.

The wrong Method

Before applying the correct method of learning, I want to talk to you about the wrong method that most language learners have, and I first made the same mistake. The method was to select a movie and play and listen to each sentence several times from the first second in order to understand the words being spoken. Of course, I did not write down the words that were said. I just wanted to learn the words, unaware that with the help of film I can improve almost all my English language skills, from speaking to writing. After repeating this method several times, I became very tired and bored. Although I spent a lot of energy, I did not learn much from the film. Finally, I disappointingly used Persian subtitles and watched the movie without learning.

Now when I look at this method in my own past, I realize how wrong it was. But what is the right and guaranteed program for learning English with films?

The correct method or suggested program for learning English with Films

First of all, be sure to choose the right movie. So please pay attention to these points:

  1. The film should be attractive enough not to make you tired and sleepy after a few minutes. What is your favorite genre? You can choose according to it.
  2. Watching comedy movies may not be boring, but on the other hand, because they use jokes and terms specific to culture and have culturally contextual codes, you may not understand much of them.
  3. Avoid watching movies that are not in line with our culture. Because these films do not have a good concept and story to learn.
  4. Watch movies that have a strong director. Because experience has shown me that these films help a lot more than others.

But now a multi-day schedule

First day

First, completely and comfortably watch and enjoy the movie you have chosen, regardless of learning words and other things. You can also use Persian subtitles to better understand the subject and story of the film.

Second day

Select the first part of the movie (from the first 10 to 30 minutes of the movie) and watch it carefully with English subtitles. Write down each new word as you watch the movie and subtitles. Then extract the meaning of all the words and review them. Now play the first part again and watch it again with subtitles. This will allow you to see and understand new words. Do this as many times as you can. You will find that you often learn new words well.

The difference between this method and the above (the wrong) method:

1- Once you watch the film in full, you thoroughly understand the main and general subject of the film, while in the wrong way, it is almost impossible to understand the whole story of the film because repetitive pauses and frequent replays disrupt the proper image to form.

2- You will enjoy watching movies for the second time. When you watch movies again but now with your mother tongue subtitles, you enjoy them as much as the first time because you are learning English words with them and taking notes of them whenever needed. Understanding the new points in films for the second time will make them as attractive as the first time.

3- Even the excitement of watching a movie doubles. When you are busy with the pronunciation and meanings of the terms and phrases of the film and at the same time compare the dialogues with behavior and actions of the actors in the film, you can gain a deeper understanding, so that the excitement and the beautiful feeling of satisfaction in you become doubled. You have realized the meaning of the words according to what is going on throughout the film, which is why you are satisfied with your work and you are proud of this exciting feeling.

Third day

Now you are watching the first part of the movie without subtitles. You hear the English words again you have not already known before. You probably forgot some of them. But there is nothing wrong with that because of remembering those words at a glance. Do this several times getting involved with learning quite all the English words in movies; That is to watch movies without subtitles and review the English words. Finally, you realize that this part of the movie has become easier for you to understand than it was yesterday.

Fourth day

You probably know everything about the first part; Now it’s your pronunciation. You know that learning the pronunciation of English words is what you have to learn, here by repeating the words with movies. Play the first part of the movie again. This time, after hearing each sentence, pause the video and repeat that sentence yourself. Try to do the pronunciation correctly so listen carefully. Repeat all the sentences of the first part in the same way. Consider not just repeating like a parrot; But also pay attention to the emotions and movements that the actor performs.

Fifth day

Today we use the shadow technique, one of the most effective speaking methods developed by the Leningrad group. Today, like the day before, you have to say what you hear, but the difference is that you do not stop the film anymore. In this section, you have to repeat the actors aloud at the same time as the dialogue, and you can get help from the subtitle. Be sure to include emotions as well to learn better. You may be a little slow at first but never stop. Do this several times.

Sixth day

Use the shadow technique today, but without subtitles. Do this several times to learn all the small and big things. Take a video of your lip synch and share it with us.

Seventh day

Until here of the program, you have succeeded in learning English with the movies. Take a break today and enjoy the things you love. This break is good for boosting your motivation. You can also take this break as a time to think in English, speaking English with yourself out loud or silently in mind.

The miracle of practice

Your next plan is to repeat for six days for the next parts of the movies. Practice and repeat these steps with the same movies because proper practice and repetition is the key to learning English or any other language. It may take some time to fully learn a movie, but in the end, you will see significant improvements in vocabulary, listening skills, speaking and subconsciously in your English grammar. Even your English conversation has become faster, more natural, and better.

Note that you can change the above programs according to your level. Delete or combine some of them.

Some suggested movies:

  1. Lord of rings
  2. Beautiful mind
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Toy story
  5. Titanic

For more movies, you can go to the English Language Learning – Entertainment Collection. These videos have been selected due to their usefulness in learning English. Enjoy watching them and share your opinions with us.

The abstract of the article:

In this article, we presented our proposed program for learning English with films and talked about a wrong and unfortunately common method. Use the techniques presented in this article and share your experience with us in the comments below.

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